Destiny Online Patron Access Catalog
Use this site to look up book titles in our library. E-books are also accessible through Destiny.
Directions for Destiny ebooks:
Click on Destiny link above
Click on 'Susquenita Elementary School'
On the left side, click on 'Destiny Discover'
On the top right, click on 'log in'
Sign in using the same username and password you use in computer class
Scroll to the bottom of page, look on the right side and click on 'see all'
You are now in ebooks! You may check out a book, mark some favorites, read a book, use a bookmark and return the book. Remember to go to the menu (three lines in top left corner) to view your check outs and favorites. When you are done, don't forget to log out.
POWER Library is a terrific database used in libraries throughout the state of Pennsylvania. POWER Library can be used from a home computer by logging on to your public library and entering your library card number. This is a wonderful source for homework help and much more. ****Don't have a public library card? Marysville-Rye residents may get one for free anytime at the Marysville-Rye Library. Duncannon area residents need only pay $20.00 per year to get a Marysville-Rye card.